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Ben Waber

Ben Waber, PhD, is the president and co-founder of Humanyze, a workplace analytics company. Humanyze analyzes existing corporate data to apply its one of a kind analytics to measure Organizational Health and its components of employee-engagement, team-productivity, and organizational-adaptability. These analytics are used by enterprises to answer specific questions related to the impact of Workplace, HR, and Digital Transformation. He is a visiting scientist at the MIT Media Lab, previously worked as a senior researcher at Harvard Business School, and received his Ph.D. in organizational science from MIT for his work with Alex “Sandy” Pentland’s Human Dynamics group. Waber’s work has been featured in major media outlets such as HBR, Wired, The Economist, and NPR. He has consulted for industry leaders such as LG, McKinsey & Company, and Gartner on technology trends, social networks, and organizational design. His book, People Analytics, was published by the Financial Times Press in 2013.

How Data Gives Companies a Competitive Edge

Ben Waber shares how measuring workplace analytics can help your organization improve productivity, performance, and retention.

Utilizing Data to Drive Change Management & A Better Future of Work

Ben Waber of Humanyze explores how to leverage workplace analytics to navigate through change management.

The Implications of a Data-Less Workplace Strategy

As we begin to think of post-pandemic return to work plans, Ben Waber of Humanyze stresses the importance of a data-driven workplace approach.

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