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Joshua Kelaher


Talk Recap: Change Management and Why it Matters to Your Design Process

Catch the highlights from our most recent Work Design Talk.

Webinar Recap: Office Design and How People Work

The office is no longer a singular, monolithic place where everyone is working at the same time in the same space. A recap of last week's webinar, led by Gary Miciunas.

Productivity in Open-Concept Workspaces: A Recap of our DC Talk

More than 150 designers, architects, and industry professionals turned out for our latest Work Design Talk.

NeoCon East: Recap and Highlights

Work Design Magazine's favorite products at NeoCon East 2013.

iStrategy Blends Eat, Work, Play in DC

Their old space was a narrow two-story condo a block away in DuPont Circle. For their new space, iStrategyLabs gutted a 6,200 square foot space to bare bones. The default concept: no walls. Corbett wanted each wall added to be a major battle. Instead, the office is broken up by function. Working with Alliance Architects out of Annapolis, the result is a bunch of open space with only one office and many places to get work done comfortably.

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