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What's Next?

What To Expect When We Return To The Office

Lisa Killaby survey 20+ workplace designers and strategists on their plans to return the office, client expectations, what they see for the workplace in 2021, and finally what could derail return to work plans.  

The World Has Changed, So Should Our Approach To Work

SmithGroup shares how policies and practices centered on flexibility and empowerment will shape our return to the office and the future of work. 

The Post-Crisis Workplace Is Hybrid

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, 8.4 percent of people in the US worked from home full or part-time, and in the post-crisis future, that figure is expected to be 15.8 percent.

The Hybrid Work Model: Ready or Not, Here it Comes

The shift to a hybrid model is a change that is coming to companies across the U.S. and one for which you need to prepare.

How the Future of Workplace Design Hinges on Fostering Social Connection

Megan Hart explores how to reclaim the social connection that was lost as we begin to make our return to work plans.

The Future Of Work: Tech Matters More Than You Think

Agile ways of working need to be more purposeful. To achieve this, business leaders must rethink traditional work models, along with their entire operational infrastructure. 

Emerging Into A New Ecosystem Of Work

The notion of returning to the office as we knew it is flawed. Here's how COVID has handed us the opportunity to address what wasn't working.

The Employee Experience: Driving Innovation

Will the office remain the same as we return to work, or will we use this incredible opportunity to examine what can be different?

Reimagining the Return to Work and Space Optimization

As the workplace is reimagined, innovative technology will be necessary to inform decision making and revolutionize the office of the future.

Future of Work: From a Workplace-Centric to a Worker-Centric World

New research from JLL highlights four key strategic priorities for organizations, and how this will impact CRE in the future. 

Transforming Your Office Post-Pandemic

Nuno Fernandes of JLL Tétris shares why designing a lower-density workplace model with purpose at the centre will yield the greatest results for businesses post-COVID-19.

Industry News: Will 2021 Be The Year To Work From Anywhere?

What does work from anywhere really mean, COVID-19 is forcing coworking firms to recast their business models, and more news.

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